Joint Pelletizing – Screening – Washing Laboratory Of HAVER ENGINEERING
Feb. 22, 2021 | 18:05

Joint Pelletizing – Screening – Washing Laboratory Of HAVER ENGINEERING

Preliminary tests cannot be dispensed in the design of most mineral processing plants

Every mineral processing plant, no matter if comminution, screening, washing or agglomeration, always represents a successful symbiosis of raw material and innovative processing machines. Each material shows unique behavior over its entire processing that have to be taken into account. Even in similar operating conditions, slight differences in raw materials or fluctuations in throughput are able to significantly influence the plant performance, resulting in increased costs, reduced safety and lower quality at the end of the projects. Hence, even successful solutions cannot be mechanically duplicated without prior testing and adaptation to customer-specific conditions.

Thus, preliminary tests cannot be dispensed in the design of most mineral processing plants. Even though research has already produced a wide range of excellent findings on processing technology, processing machines and plants are, however, planned individually based on the experience and material-specific investigations. The latest findings from DEM and CFD simulation are tools that are used in the optimization of the machines, but they cannot replace the test in the pilot plant.

HAVER ENGINEERING as a global player and trusted partner in different types of research and development projects operates a pilot plant on behalf of HAVER & BOECKER NIAGARA, which is specialized in the fields of screening, washing, pelletizing and primary crushing systems for the customers in the aggregates, mining, minerals, fertilizer and salts industries. The engineering company is also recognized as an official affiliated institute of the TU BERGAKADEMIE Freiberg. This in turn allows the unique incorporation of the latest findings from science into the development of the innovation for screening, washing and pelletizing machines and customer oriented solutions and projects at an early stage.

Joint forces into the new  R&D center

„In the last month we started to concentrate our trial-based process know-how in Freiberg”, mentioned Dr.-Ing. Metodi Zlatev, General Director of HAVER ENGINEERING GmbH: “The centralization of the know-how pool of pelletizing, washing and screening improved the test equipment and thus the possibilities in our pilot plant. This enables us to respond to increasingly complex tasks in processing technology with the entire HAVER & BOECKER NIAGARA process chain. We are also supported by the long-standing cooperation with the Institute for Mineral Processing Machines of the Technical University BERGAKADEMIE Freiberg

“Beside the R&D aspects we would like to underline the importance of the direct communication with the customers as one of the most important ingredients for our successful processing projects. There is always the possibility of meeting with customers, improving the personal exchange, jointly understanding of individual material properties, developing ideas and working hand in hand with our customers to develop suitable processing methods and select appropriate machine technology!” lists Dr.-Ing. Jan Lampke, Head of Sales of HAVER ENGINEERING GmbH.

In order to strengthen the relationship between science and business and improve the customer support in testing different processing materials the two companies are planning new joint project now – the release of the innovative joint laboratory in Freiberg.

Some insights from the new project

Dr. Lampke shares some key insights and great benefits from this project: “We are looking forward to re-start our laboratory business in one month. In the pelletizing laboratory we used the experimental knowledge of last decade and optimized the material flows in the lab. New steel works, increased de-dusting capabilities, improved data-processing and more agreeable ergonomics of the workplace. Of course, our screening capabilities from our colleagues from HAVER & BOECKER NIAGARA are transferred to Freiberg. Not only the hardware is moved to HAVER ENGINEERING GmbH, we are happy to win a highly dedicated employee from Münster for our team on Freiberg. Thus, we ensure the transfer and multiplication of know-how.”

“Last but not least we would like to name the improvements in washing technology. At the test field of the TU BERGAKADEMIE Freiberg in the Breitenau quarry, we operated a washing plant for cleaning mineral raw materials. Different cleaning machines can be analyzed with regard to their washing results. With these findings, processes have already been developed for gold processing, the reprocessing of historical tailings and the enrichment of iron ores up to complex tungsten ores.” adds Dr. Zlatev. “Enhancements in storage and transport capabilities we are able to provide our customers not only fundamental process development, even toll-processing of customer’s products is possible, now.” We will share with you interesting sneak peeks from our new home of innovations in mineral processing as soon as possible that are solving of some of the customers‘ most challenging problems including how to save costs, improve safety and deliver quality on time. Stay tuned!

HAVER & BOECKER NIAGARA supports the customers to develop and optimize the entire processes, machines and plants. HAVER Process Engineerings mission is to meet customers technical requirements and economic benefits. The customers could expect nothing less than optimal processes for their individual material.

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