Haver & Boecker donates more than BRL 80,000.00 to social projects in Parauapebas (PA), Brazil
Aug. 24, 2021 | 14:09

Haver & Boecker donates more than BRL 80,000.00 to social projects in Parauapebas (PA), Brazil

Social actions are more than an act of donating; it is to believe that it is possible to collaborate with the life quality improvement of people, aiming to strengthen the society where we live.

In June 2021, Haver & Boecker Niagara started integrating the Programa Partilhar, fostered by Vale. The program has as a purpose to foster the social development of the communities where the company acts in partnership with its supply chain.

As its first contribution, the multinational company destined more than BRL 80,000.00 in donations to four institutions in Parauapebas, in the interior of Pará. There was BRL 30,000.00 for solidarity actions promoted by the Rotary Club de Parauapebas, which during one year will utilize the given amount in order to deliver basic-needs grocery package and powdered milk for the Project Bebê Leite, which helps approximately 58 children from six months to three years of age.

Haver & Boecker Niagara destined also more than BRL 50,000.00 for other three institutions of the region, focused on the education of children and young people: Sorri Parauapebas, School Board of the State School General Euclides Figueiredo and School Board of the Municipal School Paulo Fonteles de Lima.

For Clayton Carvalho, General Director of Haver & Boecker Niagara, by promoting the donation, it strengthens the connection between companies, people and the communities with the seal of a recognized project, as the Programa Partilhar, besides being aligned with the sustainability values which is essential for the company. “This kind of action is very important and we are very proud of this. The fact that we could help give us the certainty that we have conditions to advance even further. It is a proof of the commitment of the company with others and it also shows our concern to manage the company correctly, aligned with our goals and it is an important pillar for us as a company: sustainability”.

Sorri Parauapebas is a Civil Society Organization which since 25 years qualifies and inserts people with disabilities into the labor market, besides providing help with food and other services. The entity is supported by donations of the community, partnership with the City Hall, Councils on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Social Assistance and Children and Adolescents and private companies. The project inserts in an average 200 people a year in a new working position and it received more than BRL 25.000,00 by the initiative of Haver & Boecker Niagara and the Programa Partilhar. “The donation was very important, as we offer several courses: finger foods, music, data processing, administrative assistant, among others. The donations met our needs and we are grateful for the company’s initiative”, thanked Lurdes Pereira Câmara de Souza, organization’s president.

With the advent of the pandemic caused by the Covid-19, the institutions that promote social actions felt a decrease in donations. According to Maria Oliveira, representative and public image of Rotary Club de Parauapebas, the donation made by Haver & Boecker Niagara came in a crucial moment. “This collaboration was very important for us. With the pandemic, it was impossible to carry out events which are normally responsible for the cost expenses of the Bebê Leite. The monthly rates of the Rotarian members are totally utilized for the maintenance of our own club, our projects are supported by our events and donations, which are suspended until controlling of the pandemic”, she explains.

The first delivery of the provisions was performed at the RCP headquarters – Rotary Clube de Parauapebas and it counted with the participation of the Board of Directors of the club and the Haver & Boecker Niagara Executive Team, Clayton Carvalho and Francisco da Silva, and also of the General Director and the Administrative and Financial Manager of Haver & Boecker Latinoamericana, Ronaldo Souza and Ismael Massignan.

Haver & Boecker was always ahead when the topic is sustainability and sharing culture. “It is intrinsic in our segment to share a part of the gains with society, contributing with entities which several times depend on the collaboration of private companies to pursue the purpose of changing the reality of many families. Our goal is to expand the investment”, concludes the General Director Clayton Carvalho.

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